miércoles, 29 de julio de 2015

#BECA #post-doc position study the lateral #structure of model #membranes

Open post-doc position (1st September 2015-31st August 2016) at
MEMPHYS - Center for #Biomembrane #Physics.
Contact person: Luis A. Bagatolli (bagatolli@bmb.sdu.dk,
web page: http://www.memphys.dk/Luis-Bagatolli

The project focused in the study the lateral structure of model
membranes (Giant unilamellar vesicles) composed of different
lipid-protein mixtures in presence of crowding agents. The techniques
used in this project are mostly based in state of the art fluorescence
microscopy/fluorescence spectroscopy. The candidate must have a
background in experimental biophysics.
Applications must be send to the contact person e-mail address (see
above) preferable before August 30th 2015.

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